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Legal notice

1. Terms and conditions of use

The purpose of the present provisions is to define the conditions under which the Académie de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur (ARES), publisher of this site, authorises users to access the content of its internet site.

The fact of consulting or using this site implies automatic and unreserved acceptance of the said provisions.

ARES reserves the right to modify these conditions of use at any time, without prior notice or compensation of any kind.

2. Purposes and disclaimer of liability

The main purpose of this ‘’ site is to provide information relating to the organisation of higher education in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

The aim is to provide the public with accurate and up-to-date information. Any errors reported will be corrected as soon as possible. Nevertheless, ARES declines all responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies affecting the content of this site.

In this respect, users' attention is drawn to the fact that the information published on this site is :

  • purely informative and does not create any rights or obligations vis-à-vis ARES ;
  • general and does not address the specific circumstances of any individual or legal entity and cannot therefore be considered as legal, professional or personal advice.

Please also note that some information refers to external sites over which ARES has no control. ARES therefore accepts no responsibility for the content of these sites or for any use that may be made of them.

With regard to legislative or regulatory documents, only the versions published in the Moniteur belge ( are authentic and have legal effect.

ARES cannot be held responsible for any technical problems affecting the site or for any modification, interruption or deletion of the site.

3. Intellectual property rights

The general structure as well as the content of the site, in particular the images, texts, photos, videos, etc. are protected by intellectual property law (copyright, trademark law, patent law and any other provision in force which may be applicable in terms of intellectual property).

Unless otherwise stated, these elements are the exclusive property of ARES or of third parties from whom ARES has obtained the necessary authorisation. They may only be used for private purposes.

In this respect, it is therefore forbidden to reproduce, use, distribute, modify, market or license, in whole or in part, the elements reproduced on the site or, more generally, the structure of the site, without the prior and express authorisation of ARES. Where such authorisation is obtained, reproduction or distribution must always mention the following source:

Failure to comply with this provision may result in prosecution in accordance with the laws in force.