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Private life


How is my personal data processed by the Academy for Research and Higher Education?

ARES attaches great importance to protecting your privacy. Your personal data is therefore processed and protected with the utmost care, in accordance with the following provisions.

As a data subject, your personal data is processed by ARES, which acts as data controller, whose registered office is located at rue Royale, 180, 1000 Brussels and which is registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0546.740.696. 

This data is processed in strict compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, GDPR).

Any further information regarding ARES' processing responsibility can be obtained via


Subject to specific provisions concerning certain particular processing operations, the processing of your personal data is based:

  • Either on the basis of your free and informed consent, given for one or more specific purposes pursued by ARES, in accordance with Article 6, 1., a) of the GDPR ;
  • Or on the basis of the performance of a contract to which you, as the data subject, are party with ARES, in accordance with Article 6, 1. b) of the RGPD;
  • Or on the basis of a set of legal and/or regulatory obligations to which ARES is subject and which require ARES to process your data, in accordance with Article 6, 1., c) of the GDPR.

If the processing is exclusively based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time. In such cases, ARES will ensure that your personal data is deleted as quickly and permanently as possible.  

Subject to specific provisions concerning certain particular processing operations, the processing carried out by ARES is limited to the operations carried out by ARES and applied to your data, as referred to in Article 4, 2) of the GDPR:

Subject to specific provisions concerning certain particular processing operations, ARES processes your data in order to: 

  • manage your request ;
  • manage a file concerning you; or
  • compiling pseudonymised or anonymised statistics.

ARES will not process your data if it is not used for at least one of the purposes mentioned above or as mentioned in one of the specific processing operations carried out by ARES.

Subject to specific provisions concerning certain particular processing operations, ARES processes at least the following categories of data about you:

  • For identification purposes: your surname and first name;
  • For communication purposes: your personal and/or institutional e-mail address and/or your telephone number.

Depending on your situation, ARES may process other categories of personal data about you.

Subject to specific provisions concerning certain particular processing operations, your personal data will only be processed by ARES staff members and by the various ARES subcontractors (see point 09), depending on the purpose of the processing operation.

Your personal data may also be communicated to other categories of persons, and only to the extent necessary.

ARES ensures that any recipient takes the necessary measures to guarantee that personal data is processed confidentially and solely for one or more of the intended purposes.

All the data processed by ARES is kept for the time necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.

In any event, ARES ensures that personal data which is no longer strictly necessary is destroyed or, where appropriate, archived after being rendered anonymous.

As a data subject, you have the following rights in particular:

  1. the right to information
  2. the right of access to data
  3. the right to rectification
  4. the right to limit processing;
  5. the right to erasure of data (if and only if the data are no longer useful to ARES to ensure adequate processing).

ARES, as data controller, facilitates the exercise of these rights.

If you have any questions, if you are concerned or if you consider yourself to be concerned, you can contact the data controller and the data protection officer at the following e-mail address:

If you consider it necessary, you can also lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (DPA).

ARES uses the services of a number of sub-contractors who are subject to the same security and confidentiality requirements as ARES.

If you have any questions, you can contact the data controller and the data protection officer at the following e-mail address: